Guitar Practice Tools Metronome and Timer

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Guitar Practice Tools Metronome and Timer

Two very helpful guitar practice tools are a metronome and a timer.

Yes, they are basic tools but they are very useful for focus and time management.

The main reason guitarists don’t progress as fast as they would like is lack of organization. Lots of time is spent noodling around, playing licks already mastered, and mindless improvising.

In order for practice to be effective it needs to be the opposite. Time needs to be spent focusing on new material and honing technique.

That’s not to say removing all “fun time” is necessary. Of course we should noodle about a bit to discover things. The difference is ideas need to be picked out of that exploration so they can become defined and refined.

Two tools that are very helpful in getting focused and organize are the metronome and timer.

Analog or Digital Guitar Practice Tools

There are pros and cons to each.

Let’s look at an analog timer and metronome set up first.

Take this metronome:

Guitar Practice Tool Metronome

And this timer:

Guitar Practice TimerWhat are the advantages?

First, they are visible.

Once you set these on a desk or table near your practice spot you will always see them. They are instantly accessible. You will encounter no distractions when using them. There are no notifications to pop up in the background, no phone to ring, and no texts that will come in while practicing. You can shut off your phone, desktop, tablet, or laptop and focus on your practicing.

Also, the metronome above requires no battery. You don’t have to worry about your phone running out of charge in the middle of practice. Same for the timer. The battery will last for a very long time.

Wearable Soundbrenner Option

In addition to the app Soundbrenner has a watch band metronome.

I think this is a great option because of the convenience factor. By wearing this as your watch you will always have a metronome and timer with you.

This is a great option for a music student at university. It makes remembering your metronome and timer much easy. Also it means two less things to pack.

The beat can also be felt in the watchband of the Soundbrenner. A very nifty feature if you ask me.

Like the analog metronome and timer it also allows you to turn off your devices to eliminate distractions.

Using Your Phone, Tablet, or Laptop

This is always an option. It’s as simple as downloading an app like Metronome Beats.

Like the Soundbrenner many metronome apps have a built in timer.

Obviously an app meets the convenience needs.

One thing I like about the Metronome Beats app in particular is that when the timer is up the metronome stops instead of sounding an alarm.

The only drawbacks are the likely interruptions from notifications and the distractions/temptations of going down the information rabbit hole on the internet in the middle of your practice session.